Siddharth Nand

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Hi 👋🏾, I am a recent Mathematics graduate from The University of British Columbia, Canada. I am passionate about applying my mathematical and technical expertise to solve real-world problems and am actively seeking opportunities to contribute to innovative projects and collaborate with talented professionals.


Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

The University of British Columbia


Selected Projects

Reinforcement Learning for Market Making

This project delves into the impact of various loss function formulations on risk management behavior within reinforcement-based market making.
Links to the various projects I have worked on in the field of portfolio optimization:

Optimization Exploratorium

The Optimization Exploratorium is a collection of mini-projects that explore various topics in mathematical optimization and its applications.

A Hyperparameter-Optimized Latent Topic Model

Developed a latent topic model for text data using hyperparameter optimization and programmed in Stan.

A Constraint Satisfaction Approach to Optimizing Sport Schedules

Developed a constraint satisfaction model to optimize the scheduling of sports games.

Physics-informed Neural Network: The Effect of Reparameterization in Solving Differential Equations

Researched neural network methods for approximating exact solutions to differential equations.

Optimal Spending for the Government of B.C

Co-authored a report employing regression models and linear programming to formulate an optimal 2024 provincial government budget based on historical growth and expense data.


Released a Google Chrome extension establishing a virtual Netflix video-sharing space.